Justine begins at home, where she browses possible options for materials.
 She decides that she doesn’t want to see option from individual sellers, and prefers to shop only downtown, so she adjusts her settings accordingly.
 When she arrives downtown, Social Fabric presents a range of parking options - both street and lot parking - and points her toward the place most convenient to her shopping destinations.
 Then, Justine maps out her walking route so that she can hit all her stops as efficiently as possible.
 When Justine enters a store, she is automatically presented with the options  “FIND”  to locate a specific material on her list,  “TAG”  to add new material photos and information to the database, and  “BROWSE”  to explore what other users have alre
 Justine locates the items she needs, and Social Fabric takes note of their availability in the store. She also tags a handful of new things that she thinks might be useful for future projects.
 She quickly selects from dropdown menus to describe the material and enters it into the app.
 When she leaves the store, she rates her overall experience based on their customer service, price accuracy, and availability of products.
 While making the rounds to the various stores on her list, Justine’s parking alert goes off to let her know that she only has 15 minutes left on her meter and it is about a 10 minute walk away.
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